Control Freak Oliver Maciatorrent Can You Define What A Control Freak Is?

Can you define what a control freak is? - control freak oliver maciatorrent

Do you have control freaks? Are you a control freak yourself? Are there different types of control freaks?


RivieraR... said...

The people who always try to take over control of everything and nothing. I know a lot of control freaks that annoy me to death. As for me, will not attempt to hell with the flow, go **** control to hate, because it is easy even for the establishment of a disappointment, because in the end never to be at the end, what they really want. I suppose it could the different levels of control-freak Ness haha.

Ain't no fakers. They who said...

I am sure that there are various kinds of control freaks. Probably those who need to control others by a person in need of control groups, and those who need to control themselves.

A monster under the control of my argument, as a person who is very unsafe to be defined in its own shell, you feel the need for their own ideals, expectations and desires to another level of emotional maturity or pressure frail.

My sisters husband observed a T. She took her plate in front of the children, and brings him into the room. If you leave the food, "you know when dinner's ready?" He must not have access to a bank account, drive a car to get something for herself, has her name in every rental agreement / / Procedures for car loans, etc., and even said, "girls dress now," but refuses to . help I personally believe that it would be without Sol ... I do not know at the front.

If you think about the co-dependent control freak and have very similar definitions.

Dalarus said...

Yes, I do.

I am not a "reorganization of salt" some control everything. I am a kind of "coordinating furniture bedroom for a quilt warm reds complement the cherry finish" a sort of control everything. And I like it in situations with strangers, with whom I can not anticipate (a dangerous situation of a party or me!)

My nature is not so much control over the control of others, but you keep me safe and in situations where they can relax and avoid unexpected (I like) routine. It's the fear, comfort and predictability. If it were me, I could be more extroverted - not to escape but the nature and clearly I inherited a tendency to control.

Pavlov's Daughter said...

Someone who wants all the time and understanding in the vicinity. They tend to think they know what is best for a given situation. As a rule, they also like some order and planning, etc., have

I may be a bit of a control freak, from time to time. I like to create in some areas. I was raised by a control freak, so a little about me, but I have not left a lot of hands. I am completely open to a compromise with anyone.

Edward_E... said...

A control freak is someone who wants to take all decisions of those around them. I know one, but I did not witness his true nature, while I'm at all, only by hearsay. He let his wife find a job, even though the family in the week after taking home at least $ 200 and refuses, the son of his wife (my cousin) to get a job in the city, because "too far", even if she offered to pay for gas, once it starts. And finally decide what they want when shopping with his wife, though a terrible cook, and even worse in the basket.

Control Freaks worst enemy is one thing that nobody has control;
Weather, insects, eat in the garden, knocking the animal ... To enable these things and make them crazier than usual, losing control or lack of control over something, and sometimes makes violent against those who resist their control, some young people, I know ...
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Edward_E... said...

A control freak is someone who wants to take all decisions of those around them. I know one, but I did not witness his true nature, while I'm at all, only by hearsay. He let his wife find a job, even though the family in the week after taking home at least $ 200 and refuses, the son of his wife (my cousin) to get a job in the city, because "too far", even if she offered to pay for gas, once it starts. And finally decide what they want when shopping with his wife, though a terrible cook, and even worse in the basket.

Control Freaks worst enemy is one thing that nobody has control;
Weather, insects, eat in the garden, knocking the animal ... To enable these things and make them crazier than usual, losing control or lack of control over something, and sometimes makes violent against those who resist their control, some young people, I know ...
> _>
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt, _ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt;

Lexi. said...

A person who feels they need to take control of every situation and every aspect of their lives and perhaps the lives of people who are close to them. My mother is a control freak, as my stepmother. I am not a. I would not say that there are various types and the means by which they expressed.

Lexi. said...

A person who feels they need to take control of every situation and every aspect of their lives and perhaps the lives of people who are close to them. My mother is a control freak, as my stepmother. I am not a. I would not say that there are various types and the means by which they expressed.

Lexi. said...

A person who feels they need to take control of every situation and every aspect of their lives and perhaps the lives of people who are close to them. My mother is a control freak, as my stepmother. I am not a. I would not say that there are various types and the means by which they expressed.

ѕнαуℓαу ℓαу™ said...

In my dictionary, a control freak is someone who wants to take control. Someone who wants to control the situation, people, places, etc. ...

ѕнαуℓαу ℓαу™ said...

In my dictionary, a control freak is someone who wants to take control. Someone who wants to control the situation, people, places, etc. ...

ѕнαуℓαу ℓαу™ said...

In my dictionary, a control freak is someone who wants to take control. Someone who wants to control the situation, people, places, etc. ...

ѕнαуℓαу ℓαу™ said...

In my dictionary, a control freak is someone who wants to take control. Someone who wants to control the situation, people, places, etc. ...

jz.fizzl... said...

He is a person who know that they are stronger and before the world and what everyone does at this moment. You need to have their own way, or not be happy.

мїķĕ Ŕōŧċħ said...

1.Someone that everything that comes in contact with wants to control.
2. Yes, my brother.
3. No reason, I'd be a hypocrite.
4. Probably.

No Real Help said...

Someone who's Q & A and rape ads on Yahoo monitored.

Conway Twitty said...


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