Black Jewel Popcorn Y&R: What Kind Of Funeral Will VICTOR NEWMAN Have ...?

Y&R: What Kind Of Funeral Will VICTOR NEWMAN Have ...? - black jewel popcorn

MAN, the old dragon is as old as time ... and even the oldest tree, Methuselah! Dude's gotta go sometime, huh?

Yes, show what kind of funeral? What kind of coffin? Who will be coffin? Who will be at the funeral?

My view:

You have the vision of the first position held by Newman Hall. Victor ebony coffin will surround with black gemstones ONXY. After the winter will follow Neil and JT Hellstrom, the coffin from the front lift, while Noah and Phyllis Newman (Big Red) buzzer to lift the coffin on the back. Nick Newman and Adam (Victor Jr.) Wilson, as chief of the honor. They carried the body into the stall Newman.

Here, Fisher zAPATTA and commitment on both sides of the box. A Baptist minister say a few words on the coffin, while Ashley Abbott, Diane Jenkins, Nikki Newman and grief and pain, their clothes torn and gnashing of teeth in agony and tears his hair in the front row. Julia (the first wife of Victor, whose mistress was is locked in a cage) and Leanna Love Randolph sitting in the front row eating popcorn and talking quietly among themselves.

Jack Abbott is likely to support her sister Ashley and his niece Abby. Their real motivation, however, ensures that Victor is dead. Services for a period of four hours back to the lifting of the pallbearers. A black and a white Arabian stallion stab NewmanThey are easily available for holders of put into the body. Who will guide you to your final resting place ... Forests on the outskirts of Rancho Newman!

Have I forgotten anything?


IthinkFr... said...

I LOVE your response! Anything to add or change is that instead of the funeral was to be poured lighter fluid around the coffin and light on fire ... all the time to Leanna Love and Mary Jane are dancing around a fire eating routine. Ashley can sit and watch you and your poor, poor me ... I'm so weak expression, and Jack was sitting on the coffin until he burns everything, so he can have a stick and sack of coal to ensure that the old fart is really gone.

Feisty AKA Mrs said...

I loved your question and the answer that you ever so creative. You should have a resume to send the application to the position of one of the writers of Y & R, because they affect Writers Block "Right About Now. Keep up the good work!

la morenita bonita said...

I think he will be killed and that is a fact that this position. Heather will thirst DA His funeral will be at the ranch and everyone even people who have never been scenes like Tyra and Esther instead.

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